Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Your Medical Profession In the Drug War

I got an email last night that made me sick. I get a lot that make me sick, people thrown out of care, people begging me to find them help, people who lose their children, jobs, anything of value to them, because someone decided to take advantage of their degraded social status as a pain patient, called them an addict, and then went to town.

But this email was different.

It was from a man who lives with cancer and ALS. A man who has remained brave and gentle despite the ravages disease has taken on his body and spirit.

Ever since his hospice doctor was replaced with an addictionologist, he has been tortured by this so called doctor, his care threatened at every turn.

What most people don't understand is that under drug prohibition, a whole sub-class of compromised medical professionals has been subsidized by the government-a sub-class of doctors who have been busted for drug abuse or sexual abuse of patients and who have "seen the light" i.e. have agreed to become a kind of doctor/snitch on a permanent basis for the government. The busting and re-education of these doctor/snitches is in fact big business, for if a doctor is caught suffering a drinking problem or taking drugs at all, the medical board that licenses him will send him to a "treatment facility" that can cost 30k per month, so that he can be "cured" and henceforth made available to snitch on other doctors. Of course most of the docs being done this way, don't turn into snitches, they pay their money, do their twelve-steps, and go back to the noble art and science of practicing medicine. But some take to the self-mythologizing perks of addictionology and henceforth groove on being "in recovery." And its they who the DEA and Medical boards recruit to "advocate" for substance abusing docs.

As a result of a backroom deal cut between big pharma, academic medicine and the FDA (fronting for DEA) these doctor/snitches have been put in charge of providing hospice care to our nation's dying. That's right...they tweeze the dying for pain medications. They work to get the dying off of pain meds so their bosses wont pull their medical licenses.

Feeling sick yet?

The FDA's name for this new course of drug control is called REMS (short for Risk Evaluation Management Strategy) and it appears to be consistent with a plan pushed by the top academic docs for at least the last 15 years; give up the patients to law enforcement, the addictionologists can be employed to look for signs of addiction in those who require strong pain meds, and the rest of us are off the hook.
The idea is to remove most Schedule 3 meds like Vicodin and Percocet from the pharmacies and then put addictionologists in charge of prescribing all that remains...the Schedule 2's (The ostensible hard drugs).
The term madness doesn't cover this...what we are looking at is ongoing abuse of the sick and dying by government doctors. Government snitch/doctors...
This is your medical profession in the drug war.

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